Drunk on Vodka Protects first turn to stop fake outs then I use skill swap on its teammate hypnosis and assist are there for more trolling. This is a two part set that I use all the time in doubles but you could probably change it to work on any format with these pokemon.ĭrunk on Vodka this is mandatory for it to work it is a shiny Spinda with contrary and then protect, assist, hypnosis, skill swap as well as holding a sash. So anyways, please go ahead and share any fun ideas you have, remember to be nice and all that, a little fun poking is always fine, but we're all friends here at least 20% of the time. Swords Dance Skarmory, Moxie Pyroar and so on. Moves that boost Speed and Defenses are cool, but I'd be wary of raising offenses unless the mon really needs it. Make sure the set is at least functional, physical Alakazam might be too far, but physical Gengar could possibly do some damage.
Nicknaming every mon is important, if you post a set, feel free to include the nickname for a giggle. Choice Scarf is okay, it does make it tough to show off all of your moves, but revenge killing a speedy weakened mon with some slow fucker is always worth a giggle. If a mon desperately needs more power, I tend to stick to Life Orb, which I would still be a little cautious of. I always try to avoid using Choice Band and Specs, as they raise the chance of fast knockouts and make it harder to show off more of my moves. More defensive or bulky mons are right up my alley, as OHKOs and 2HKOs are something I don't like to receive or inflict, as it makes it harder to show off all of those wacky movesets. Not a guideline for what you have to follow, but these are things I aim for in my own sets:

I'm not a complete cunt, so feel free to say things to me if you're willing to do that to yourself. I'm sure I can't be alone here, so I decided to make a thread where people could share any fun sets they may have. Swords Dance Skarmory, Peyata Berry Scizor and Offensive Blissey are just some examples of the 'fun' we've had.
I've never been amazing at competitive battling outside of one borderline criminal Doubles team in ORAS, but me and my friends have recently gotten back into Pokemon Showdown using some dumb wacky teams instead of going full tryhard like back in the day. Right, so I'm someone who's had knowledge of competitive battling for a while, and has also has been lurking around the forums as a guest for a couple months. (Only a bab here so I'm hoping this is the right place for this)